
Oboarding and instructions from government officials. Excellentie en Bewindsvoering met de uit functie titel gewogen keuzes daarin. Globalview job role responsibilities and current market value.

Menno Drescher

Medium to provide instructions to a government task towards a citizen or civilian that are presented either by a "bewindsvoerder" assigning the known appropriate title "excellentie" to execute these instructions on the basis of national pride and the roots of belief where they came from as classification by me as person reached levels of high importance and the representation of my voice to utilize a system hierarchy where within this classification one stone was left unturned and required appropriate adjustments.

Letting go the questions how and which medium and whether you have sufficient basis in the accuracy of my dispute with an ex - wife on the terms and conditions letting go of my voice and letting chose to become something freely democratic chosen by hers, even if this is in great contrast and dispute of my voice, making clear and without dispute my eyes remained wide open, i gave a copy of my passport and let her choose freely on what she wanted to vote on but left me without a representation of my voice. I handed my vote including my passport to the one I loved during that time. The approval to vote which was important to me but giving away a blank vote, independent vote because of my role and responsibilities needed to remain independent (only execute not form any legislation) and only to be used to execute the instructions provided and my voice not being utilized to form opinion or participate in political values.

A perfect solution i thought: Guess what you need to know the truth from here. it was Wrong to think i could remain Independent, and i was WRONG to think i would see my voice and vote be associated with something i cannot represent or understand and stand strong behing these decisions without feeling i have to correct each word, sentence, paragraph which where chaptered and formulated towards a requirement of a table of content which reached the value of a book. The book series and those series becoming movies together somehow fill up entire libraries. The video becoming reality and informed those who remained within privacy concerns when required to be casted on.

So I gave my word to the one i loved but could not stand behind the chooses she made and where my vote which was casted went towards a standpoint and only one contribution in the effects of a unemployment premium together with a waiting period to continue with services and the security during the period could require a remittance and cast of my vote to support the exception and stretch the requirements of an unemployment benefit with any reimbursement that is required which originated from the function, job, role he/she has been committed to maintain and therefor performed to the best of his/her ability and there for the reimbursement of unemployment benefits should reflect the requirements from employment during the unemployment period to come towards a decent self-chosen outlook in employment and contributions in life. This all agreed upon but not worthy of my voice and vote.

The assigned task that required to be answered was mainly a solution to the questions of a fulfilled life and the completeness of a task I remembered which presentation I made which best answered this question with the contribution of the right answer.

To remain clear in my eyes this was to the account of a "Bewindsvoerder" in my eyes known as "Excellentie" and going back to my efforts at the primary school when I made my first costs and investment towards the "Sun" and the only thing in my entire life i see that we can foolishly study till the end of days. Because only then occurring costs to something so certain as the Sun. But only because we study the sun will not enable us to say "where ever we look the only thing that is for sure and is free without someone else having placed an effort towards is the "Sun". The Sun is the only thing we get for free. The rest of ANYTHING I see surrounding me as far as the eye can see, has been pre planned thought-out by the efforts of so many to reclaiming lands. Build a city within these areas of reclaimed land and settling the first settlers to unknown but planned territories. The facts the first and last object I see in bricks coordinated to be a city has been thought through and planned in same way.

The question I had to answer had a similar initial thought as my presentation on the primary school whereby I spend my time to let my voice be heard in the form of a "spreekbeurt" be about topics that are truly astounding and just as great. The sun in Egyptian Times where the god of Sun known as "Ra" aligned to my expectations of some occurrences in my past, where I serve my responsibilities, and some asshole piles them on me on purpose as a management strategy.

Ok to be clear I was rather well prepared for the incidents and matters that followed and mainly cause the occurrences and preparations on my primary school. Where I used the time, I had to express my voice to the entire classroom during my "spreekbeurt" to choose a topic about the believes from the Sun, the god Ra the mumification of some elders and the labour conditions some had to operate in.

The question remained outstanding of a serious answer due to the medium and formal engagement utilized to respectful place a work order and instructions in my agenda. Together with the formalities required in my opinion when changing course and direction after serving so many for so many years just for transparency. Including the previous engagements and the requirements for Maxima to escalate additional work and cast a Veto to protect my rights and complete a sentence or paragraph in a model for me.

We have seen Harrier requirements (required to mitigate risk and shoot the front of a train to pieces) and some clarification to truly would like to pay, a request for a receipt for military harrier services, for the rectification requirements throughout times with not Beatrix but family (Prins Clause) reporting a receipt. And all being thankful over time this was within limits of the requirements and formalities of those times.

For us not these levels of misconduct of not standing behind the chosen coin but imagining a coin with values and are allowed to somehow not see this as counterfeit. A mis interpolation of bringing value into circulation of a monetary system. Where the agreed parties have a commitment to report to the Central Bank and to the oversight of A Central bank no false values operate in the monetary system. Not just any party within the central banks and monetary system brings it upon his/herself to circulate value similar to a financial product and the function to enable trade between parties with a value of a coin.

The erection of a statue for the Euribor and the Libor being erected with horse and carriage and the chooses of providing instructions to your bank managers and the valued returns on his opinion when instructions where provided apostille from a notary or with my ring as seal to seal the envelop and horse including the horsemen "Ruiter" arriving at the bank managers office at a certain day if no delays where encountered remained within acceptable levels of occurrences.

Just in order to honor our elders and batch transactions closing once a day i truly recommend a statue just to honor our elders, respect the current times where we require something else and change our path to the data entry becoming available to each of us. Without the need of a bank manager going on a coffee break to see him causing the next big scandal in banking history. Letting you be well informed about market closure and a spread systematic collective bargaining agreement of a period required as rest. To implement a spread of 15 minutes at 10:10 for a cup of coffee and allow these to be the new delays.

Erect a statue for the methodology previously used and generally excepted and accepted going forward with Ionica's or other banking products with a similar function that provide the reassurance of the methodology previously used is honored and the newly (now not yet visible) chosen methodology is beter from this time on in our future.

Close a paragraph with the honors of the period this has served us gracefully erect a statue before committing us ourselves to a new paragraph as close and much as possible to the systematic methodology you wish to see.

To go back towards the question and answer i needed to provide: ";How to classify a live a fulfilling life".

This with the right answer going back to my primary school and my chosen topic during the few seconds of democratic time for speech in the form of a "spreekbeurt" which lasted 15 minutes. "Zonnegod Ra, Egyptian Methodology, Beliefs and Labor Relations"

Where by our commitment to providing care is increasing in advancements of technology and capabilities to extend life. We have a moral obligation to seek the answer to the increase in health care costs. Together our capabilities to innovate in health care to extend life. Also to see introduction of Euthanasie whereby we can extend life with medical aid but people choose not to. And the measurements in costs to support the technology capabilities and see our responsibility take upon the care of reaching a fulfilled life.

Mumification of a person the stretches of our technology capability questions the remaining quality of life. The fact we are capable of extending once life with AI and the fact AI will learn us to find new borders of a personal balance in health and quality of life together with the increasing health care costs and decisions we are require to make under the ZFW, (Ziekenfonds Partuclier en AWBZ) naar ZFW Wlz, WMO en Youth.

Er voor mij een inschalling was gemaakt als vroegtijdig arbeidsongeschikt te zien worden belast op 17 jarige leeftijd.

Onderdeel van de AWBZ, en Wlz zonder dat er persoonlijk een noodzaak ontstond hier aanspraak op te maken. Vijfentwitig jaar zelfstandig heb kunnen functioneren en in behoefte tot zelfstandigheid te komen. Een goede zelfstandige prestatie is toepassing van eigen krachten om niet onderdeel te worden van wat een dokters verklaring van arbeidsongeschiktheid. Mijn leven toen op de kop heeft gezet door mij arbeids ongeschikt te verklarenen me een Wajong toe te kennen.

De vraag best mag worden gesteld aan mensen over de zienswijze van een voltooidleven zelfs als generale opdracht der staten generaal zich als onderzoek mag openstellen.

De antwoorden aan mijn arts over voltooid leven tot uiting kwamen in de formule:

Sparen van welzijn – Investeringen in welzijn + Uitgaven welvaart – inkomsten welvaart = totaal welzijn en totaal welvaart

Toch investering in welvaart zie die het welzijn afschrijven maar nooit door een welvaart gecompenseerd kunnen worden. Die investeringen als nog te maken correcties mag zien en deze niet bijdragen aan een welzijn maar ten laste van welzijn zie worden gemaakt toch blijven geloven dat door juist die welvaart te kiezen je welzijn stuk beter word maar grote vergissing in interpretaties zie dat je welzijn in veel gevallen niet kunt kopen maar een optel som van juiste keuzes wel degelijk een toegevoegde waarde in welzijn kan zijn. De conclusie welzijn zich niet laat kopen door welvaart maar je wel investeringen in welvaart kunt doen die ten goede komen aan je welzijn. Andersom niet lukt om welzijn te kopen als de welvaart waar je investeert het welzijn afschrijft.

Welvaart als eerlijk word verkregen en verdiend een bijdrage doet aan je welzijn, zodra er duidelijkheid bestaat dat of de verkregen welvaart zonder tegenprestatie verkregen word af mag schrijven als 100% inflatie en de verdiende welvaart met daarvoor de gemaakt tegenprestatie die je verkrijgt een beloning geven het welzijn ook een prestatie meegegeven dat bij oneerlijk verkregen of gratis verkregen welvaart niet zo met zich meebrengt een beloning inje welzijn, prestaties en gevoel van beloning ter ere doet.

Dat dan maar gezien de tijd beschikbaar heb om beter te presteren voor de Wajong uitkering die bescherming zou bieden voor eten, onderdak en mogelijkheid van nachtrust. Er toen duidelijk voor gekozen heb zoveel als mogelijk zelfstandig te doen zonder aanspraak te maken op de gegeven doelgroep verklaring.

En mezelf niet voor de gek ging houden gewoon uiterst mijn best te gaan doen.

De onbeschofte manier dat er gekozen is in mijn agenda te schrijven nog niet helemaal uit ben en graag de bezem hier en daar nog eens door het systeem zou gaan om ten minsten niet de efficiënte manier van heffen maar de moeilijkheid om op gepaste manier de uitgaven van belastinggelden te zien worden besteed door sommige instanties.

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Menno Drescher

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