
Build more & stronger connections in Microsoft Teams' free version

Menno Drescher

When customers talk, Microsoft listens. And thanks to input from customers like you, the free version of Microsoft Teams includes enhancements to communities that make it easier than ever for people to come together, connect, share and collaborate.

The Microsoft blog post, "Build more connections with new communities in Microsoft Teams and GroupMe features," provides a detailed overview of enhanced features in the free version of Teams that simplify hosting and joining meetings, chats, calls, and hosting and joining events. Read the blog for an update on specifics, including:

  • Support for Windows 11 devices and Microsoft Designer to accelerate creativity
  • Enhanced camera functionality to make it easier to record videos and send invitations via mobile cameras
  • Improved control for community owners with features that streamline approvals, assignments, sharing posts, and sending invites to multiple emails and phone numbers

A Microsoft partner, CBA is ready to help you make the most of Microsoft Teams' community-building capabilities. Reply to this email to learn more.

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Menno Drescher

WLTP: Frequently Asked Questions

I hope this helps! If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask.